In addition to turnkey web design centered on search engine optimization, SEO411 provides you with all enterprise solutions.
We provide you with everything you need to rise to a position of true power and dominance in your unique vertical marketplace. Our data centers have plenty of room, and even more options, to maintain reliable, productive process flow.
Co-location makes very enterprise solutions possible for even the smallest of local businesses. You do not have to house any hardware in your own office.
You can trust our equipment to provide you with everything you need for affordable web hosting, website development, Internet marketing, and website security. We even develop proprietary content management software engineered with search market dominance foremost in mind.
One of the first things you receive as a SEO411 client is a managed server dedicated to your website and your website alone.
Once you are setup on your own managed server, we maintain your initiatives with daily activity dedicated to the operation of your online marketing initiatives. Enterprise solutions include the hosting, technical support, maintenance, and the daily publication of content on your behalf.
Our client websites are protected by multiple layers of security.
Our data center runs a variety of scanning programs to detect and destroy obtrusive agents such as Trojans, worms, and server crashers. Firewalls protect the integrity of your data and company secrets. Intrusion prevention monitors any attempt to gain unauthorized access to any of our managed servers.
A variety of sophisticated tools and monitoring systems, which we obviously are not going to talk about online, are used to detect and track down spammers and hackers when they are foolish enough to attempt an invasion.
Still another vital aspect of our enterprise solutions is PCI compliance for E-Commerce clients.
Many of the clients with whom we have the longest consulting history are product sales organizations. These companies depend on e-commerce for revenue streams. Because of this, they depend on us to ensure that all credit card information sent to their websites meets with full PCI criteria.
We follow all security protocols called for by card issuing companies and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. We also conduct audits, regular scans, and yearly assessments.
Agreements of 99.99 SLA are standard between SEO411 and all of our many clients.
We keep servers up and running because so many of our clients are transacting 24/7. As we have already noted, many business for whom we work are product sales organizations that ship all over the United States. Some ship worldwide. As a result, they simply cannot afford any downtime because they never know when the next transaction is going to come in over the wire.
That is why SEO411 tells the truth when we say 99.99 SLA. It simply has to be this way because of the absolute necessity that so many of our clients have to maintain a consistent exposure to their target market.
The long-term relationships we have consistently maintained over the years are testimonials to the effectiveness of our enterprise solutions.